Математические функции
PHP Manual


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

powExponential expression


number pow ( number $base , number $exp )

Returns base raised to the power of exp .


In PHP 4.0.6 and earlier pow() always returned a float, and did not issue warnings.

Список параметров


The base to use


The exponent

Возвращаемые значения

base raised to the power of exp . If the result can be represented as integer it will be returned as type integer, else it will be returned as type float. If the power cannot be computed FALSE will be returned instead.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
Since 4.0.6 The function will now return integer results if possible, before this it always returned a float result. For older versions, you may receive a bogus result for complex numbers.
Since 4.2.0 PHP stops to emit a warning if the value can't be computed, it will now silently return FALSE only.


Пример #1 Some examples of pow()


(pow(28)); // int(256)
echo pow(-120); // 1
echo pow(00); // 1

echo pow(-15.5); // PHP >4.0.6  NAN
echo pow(-15.5); // PHP <=4.0.6 1.#IND

Смотрите также

Математические функции
PHP Manual